Oct 25, 2014

#3 Blog Review : RARA FARHANA

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you. ^^


Hai semua!Hari ni Wani nak review satu blog.Blog apa?Blog kak Rara Farhana!Apa yang special bagi Wani tentang blog ni,headernya cantik bunga-bunga gitu,widget sidebar tersusun dengan kemas,memang kemas dan cantik dari segi hiasan!Saiz text pun tak kecik dan masih boleh dibaca.Kak Rara mula berblogging pada bulan Februari tahun 2013.Kini pengikut kak Rara mencapai 815.Wah,banyak tu! =D Sebelum Wani panjangkan lagi,jom terjah biodata kak Rara dulu! :D

Little Princess 

Name: Nur Ameera Farhana Binti Abu Bakar 
Known as: Myra/Rara/Anna 
Age: 19 years young 
State: Tapah, Perak, Malaysia 
Family: The second of 4 siblings 
Birthday: 30 June 1995  
Horoscope: Cancer  
Language: Malay, English and Arabic 
Fav. Colours: Purple, Soft Pink White, Black and Soft Blue 
Hobby: Cooking, Online-ing, Gaming, Watching my fav. movie, Drawing, Shopping, Dancing and so on 
Fav. Quotes: Smile, because you’re beautiful. Laugh, because you’re living life to the fullest. Stand strong, because haters can’t bring you down
Contact Me: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | InstagramShop
Email Me: rara.frha65@gmail.com

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Anons, Haters, Copypasters
Liars , Backstab
Earthworms  , Frogs
Smokers, Shisha

Wah,kak Rara pun suka warna biru! :3 Baca sampai habis ya.Jangan tertinggal satu huruf pun. :3 Hah,Wani pun ada terjah entri pertama kak Rara.Ini dia entrinya >>SINI<< Jangan lupa terjah sekali ya. ;) Ok,Wani nak citer pasal link pulak (http://kinderbueno-wolf.blogspot.com/).Melalui link blog kak Rara,Wani rasa kak Rara peminat coklat Kinder Bueno dan EXO. =D Betul tak kak Rara? :p Hihi,yang EXO tu main hentam je.Ok lupa pula nak bagitahu,loading blog ok je,tak cepat,tak lama,thumbs up! :D Kak Rara juga ada jual shawl (kalau tak silap),kalau berminat atau nak tahu lebih lanjut,followlah Insta Shop kak Rara.Link ada kat Contact Me tu. =D Ok,tak tahu nak cakap apa dah,baca 'Inspiration' kak Rara jelah ya :D
"Oh Allah, teach me to love others just like I love myself, teach me to judge myself just like I judge others. And if I have wronged anyone, give me the courage to apologize, and if anyone wronged me, give me the courage to forgive because you have taught me that forgiveness is the highest level of strength and revenge is the highest level of weakness. And I ask you not to forget me in your forgiveness...
Never forget Allah is always by your side, He loves you more than a mother loves her child so don’t be shy to pour your heart out to Him and cry."
 Ok,that's all.Jangan lupa terjah dan follow blog kak Rara Farhana ya!Dan jangan lupa follow Twitter dan Instagram kak Rara juga!Sorry kalau ada silap. =D


Terjah kat sini juga! :D

>>#1 Blog Review : Karimah Zulkafali's Blog 
>>#2 Blog Review : Nadhirah's Blog


  1. Assalamualaikum. Hai Wani, thanks review blog akak eh :D Yupp! Choc Kinderbueno + EXO = kindebueno-wolf hehehe. Akak singgah sini ^__^

  2. Comel header blog dia. Ceria, berwarna-warni..


Hai!Komenlah apa-apa disini.Satu komen pun cukuplah.Terima kasih. ^^

**Dilarang bash dan mencaci.
**Boleh kritik tapi jangan terlaluuu pedas.
**Guna bahasa yang baik dan sopan.