Liebstar Award Nomination
Recently,I was tagged by Hazimah in Liebstar Award Nomination.Actually,I don't really know about this award but I was tagged,so I'm just joined it.BTW,thank you for tag me Hazimah.This is first time and last time I'm joined Liebstar Award Nomination.BTW,I'm so happy!What I know is:
Rules when being nominated :
1-Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.
2-Answer the 11 questions asked.
3-Nominate 11 other bloggers with a smaller following but with lots of potential.
4-Create 11 of your own questions for them to answer.
5-Notify your nominate.
Hazimah Question:
~ When you started blogging?
Since in January 2014.
~ Actually, how many blog do you have?
I have 2 blog.
~ Tell me, when is the last time you ate waffle?
I don't no.Sorry.
~ What is your phobias?
~ Who is your idols? Say two.
Kak Ain Maisarah and Rasulullah.
~ Have you maked your own blogskins? Link, please.
No,I don't maked my own blogskin.
~ Who are your favorite artist? Two atleast.
Daiyan Trisha,Ainan Tasneem,Wafiy Popstar and more.
~ When I sing, I sound like.........
I don't no.
~ How about your school?
Good,have many programes and have many student.
~ Do you think you are good at cooking?
I think no but food that is so easy to cook,I is very good!
~ What do you think about me?
Good young blogger and creative.
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